Saturday, May 14, 2011

Earn a lot from Squidoo by selling Lens

As soon as I discovered the secret a new way to earn a new technique from Squidoo ,I am showing you people this.As all we know that from Squidoo,we can earn by writing lens and a portion of our earning from the lens are given to us .

But very less people knows that we can also earn by selling out lens.Yes its possible and legal in Squidoo.There are many Squidoo members who wants to buy the Squidoo lens .Now the Question comes How we can decide that our Lens is of How much Worth.Don't Worry Squidoo introduced a Squidoo Lens Evaluation Parameter to Check that whats the Total Value of Your lens.

If You have Written some Good Lens and You have No time for Updating,you can sell it for a Good Price.Just Check the following Tool Here

I am having a lens in Squidoo and the Title of my Lens is


Now after putting my lens lets see in the Below Picture that what the Squidoo Lens Valuation tools says - It tells about the current,average and Topic lensrank,How much Lensmasters favorited it and Thumbs up how much the lens got,one can get the Idea of Back links and age of the lens.Like this the Total value of the Lens been calculated.

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